
Year 4 Learning about Survival and Teamwork Jan 2022

Over the past 3 weeks Year 4 have had 3 forest school session with Primary Forest School & Outdoor Education where during each visit they’ve focused on a different element of survival.

Each class discussed the skills and items needed if they were to go on an adventure and what they might need to think about before departing. They learnt knots, teamwork, communication, and trading skills. Hazel and Cherry class had the opportunity to build their own shelters using limited resources such as tarpaulins, string, pegs and natural items. Each shelter was constructed effectively and was able to fit the entire group in. We also gave our shelters a purpose and began trading items and skills within the class. It formed a great community!

The classes also had the chance to learn how to use tools safely, we sawed some medallions using a bow saw, prepared shelter building sticks using loppers and secateurs and used hand drills to be able to wear the medallions made. Everyone showed incredible safety and perseverance.

Finally, Year 4 experimented with different methods of fire lighting. Fire strikers and cotton wool were used to make ‘fairy fires’ and a 9V battery and steel wire wool was used to demonstrate electrical fire.  Once again, Year 4 showed great safety around the fire and encouraged one another in their efforts to succeed. They also had the time to practise construction of campfires using the chimney and tepee techniques and of course, there’s no forest school campfire session without a yummy, toasted marshmallow!