
Reading for Pleasure - Project Update 1.10.21

Where a child chooses what to read and when to read it without having been asked to do so.

In July we were given the opportunity to be part of a reading project.  For the coming year we will be working with other schools across the country as well as Professor Cremin from The Open University.   The project is designed to both raise the profile of reading as well as develop ‘Reading for Pleasure’ in schools.  

Mrs Turner, Mrs Tandy, Miss Pilkiewicz and Mrs Scaife form the reading team however it is a whole school project and everyone is very enthusiastic.  So far we have asked the children, their parents and staff about a range of things to do with reading such as: where they like to sit when they read, what they like to read, how often they read and who they read to and we will be asking them again at the end of the year.  This information will be used to determine what we need to improve in our school so our work really is bespoke to our school environment.

Over the year we will be promoting a range of strategies to develop reading so that our children choose to read and gain satisfaction from doing so.  These may include invite a guest to read with you, celebrating World Book Day, having an author to visit and/or having a book fair to raise money for books for in the library. 

As the year continues more will be added to the reading blog so as the saying goes… watch this space!