We ask parents to keep us informed of relevant medical needs or information. It is very important that we know information about conditions such as asthma, allergies, hearing or sight impairments, eczema, diabetes or epilepsy. Please advise us promptly of any changes which may affect your child’s medical, social, emotional and psychological well-being at school. We have policies on managing pupils medical conditions and an intimate care policy should these needs arise.
Emergency Contacts
It is very important that we are able to contact parents in case of illness or in an emergency. We ask that the parents inform us of their work and home telephone numbers and the name, address and telephone number of a friend or relative who could be contacted in an emergency. It is also very important that in the event that contact details change, the school is informed of any changes.
If it is necessary for your child to visit hospital following an accident, we shall notify you by telephone and ask if you can arrange to transport your child. In cases of emergency we will call an ambulance or use our own cars.
Prescribed medicines and common non prescription medicine (e.g. calpol / eye drops) can be administered in school. A green medical form (found in the school entrance) must to be completed and handed in with any medication (both prescription and non prescription).
The medical form must have clear instructions on dosage, nature and time of administration. In addition,
- All medicines should be delivered to the school office by the parent – never the child
- Medicines should be sent to the school in measured doses and clearly labelled
- Parents of children requiring Epi-pens should make the necessary arrangements with the child's class teacher or Mrs Wills. Please note, out of date medication cannot be administered