
Special Parents Event 12.6.24

At St. Margaret's this week we had a special parents event to deliver information about language learning, Cued Speech and safety in the home to the parents of children in the Enhanced Provision for hearing impairment. 
We had visiting speakers in school from the Devon and Somerset Fire Service, Speech Therapy and Deaf Choices, but as well as this the children performed a BSL signed performance of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  Everyone enjoyed the performance but the final event of the morning brought emotions to the fore, when our Year 6 BSL user recounted his own experience of the recent Year 6 trip to Skern Lodge Year 6 trip, voiced-over into English by his close friend.  We all recognised it was the start of a time of farewells when Year 6 start to prepare for their move to Year 7 secondary school placements