
Citizen Science Project - What's Under Your Feet? 18.10.19

This week the children were involved with a citizen science project called ‘What’s Under Your Feet?’, run by the British Trust for Ornithology in conjunction EDF Energy.  The aim is to gather information about soil invertebrates to see if this is linked to a decline in breeding bird numbers.

Many of our popular British birds – like the Starling – are in decline and nobody’s entirely sure why. One of the areas that hasn’t really been investigated yet is whether what birds eat (soil invertebrates) is linked to what’s happening to their changing populations. The BTO hopes that by finding out more about what’s in the soil beneath our feet, they might be able to get some answers to these questions.

Our Eco Warriors have been gathering information for this study and will repeat their fieldwork in March and June. Watch this space for results and updates