

As a staff, we recognise the need for pupils to attend school regularly and punctually in order to derive maximum benefit from the school’s curriculum. Regular attendance is essential for the academic and personal development of pupils at school.

If a child is absent from school, parents must inform the school in person if possible or by a written note or telephone call. It is vital that you give the reasons for your child’s absence to the teacher or Headteacher.


Parents are encouraged to make sure that their children arrive promptly for the start of the morning session. Please do not send children to school too early, as we will not be able to supervise them.

The main school gate on Barewell Road opens at 8.45am as does the school gate on St Margaret’s Close: please see the Google Map on our contact page. Pupils from Year 1 through to Year 6 should make their way to their classroom doors which open at 8:45am, Year 2 children are met at the door of the infant block.  The gates are locked at 8:55am by which time pupils must be in class.  If pupils arrive after this time and the gates are locked, they must be signed in at the main school reception.

All pupils must leave the school grounds by 3.15pm unless there is a club meeting or by prior arrangement.

Doctor or dentist’s appointments

Should a child have an appointment with the doctor or dentist, please let the school know the day before or at the earliest possibility. Parents, however, should endeavour to make appointments out of school hours or during the school holidays.

Holiday requests

As of the 1st September 2013, Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time.

Leave of Absence can only be granted in Exceptional Circumstances. “Exceptional” circumstances are rare, significant, unavoidable and short. This does not include taking holiday in term times as children have 175 days off school to spend time with their families including weekends and school holidays. If an event can reasonably be scheduled outside of term time then it would not be normal to authorise absence. Absence during term time for holidays is therefore not considered an exceptional circumstance. Absences to visit family members are also not normally granted during term time if they could be scheduled for holiday periods or outside school hours. Absence for a bereavement of a close family member is usually considered an exceptional circumstance but for the funeral service only, not extended leave.

Any requests for leave of absence must be submitted to the Headteacher on the form available in the foyer of the school. Unauthorised leave can result in parents being fined £60 per parent per child.

For further information please refer to our Attendance Policy which can be found in the Policies section of the website.