
Welcome and Slides

(information last updated on 27th June 2024)
Dear new families,
In this area of the website you can find an introduction to St Margaret's. 
If you are looking for a place in Reception for your child to start in September 2025, I will be running tours of the school across the autumn term. I will share these dates on this part of the web once they have been organised. In the meantime, do have a watch of the virtual tour video of Reception as it gives a fantastic insight into our provision.
The PowerPoint slides from the new Reception parents meeting on 26th June 2024 can be found below. It includes an introduction to the school and various practical arrangements that you might find useful.
An African proverb says "It takes a whole village to raise a child". On behalf of the whole staff, I know we look forward to working in partnership with you to help your child achieve their very best.
Very best wishes,
Tim Hughes