
Y1 Woodland Inspiration Walk 21.2.24

On Wednesday, Year 1 walked to a local woodland area called Millennium Green (the other side of St Marychurch precinct). The children were brilliant; they were well prepared for the weather (thank you parents!) and did a great job of getting changed and being responsible for their things. They behaved so well on the walk there and back and also while in the woodland area.

When we got here, they explored the green using their senses; they talked about all the things they could see, hear, smell and touch. They saw colourful flowers and very tall trees. Dotted around the green, there were lots of bird boxes, a bat box, a bug hotel and even a dragon!

This trip is the basis of our next writing unit where we will write a recount of what happened, but there were also links to geography and science learning too: the effects of weather; uses of the land; using our senses; signs of spring; plants and trees; mini-beasts and habitats. Wow! What a lot of learning!

We hope to revisit the site later in the year to look at how it changes across the seasons. It is a lovely, safe space to visit with your children and explore nature. We encourage you to go and explore it for yourselves. It is cared for by Bay Blooms action group and local volunteers.

Thank you again to the parent helpers and the students from South Devon College who came along to support the children on this trip. The children really enjoyed getting out and exploring!