
Top 10 in Devon Gymnasts!! 17.5.24

During the Autumn term all of the children in Years 5 & 6 performed a range of gymnastics routines
in their PE lessons and some of their sequences were entered into a virtual gymnastics competition.
Two of our school entries made it through to the Devon Virtual Games final. Just before the Easter
holidays the finalists performed at the virtual finals via a zoom meeting and they performed their
sequences very well. I’m pleased to say that the girls exceeded our expectations and they were
placed as follows:
Years 5&6 results:
Sophia St Margaret’s Academy Gold 2nd
Acai St Margaret’s Academy Gold 5th
Congratulations to the gymnasts on their amazing success! There were over 1700 children from all
over Devon taking part in the competition and only 10 children were selected in each category to
perform in the final. Well done to the girls!