
Deaf Awareness Week 4-7.5.21

This week, 4th - 7th  May was Deaf Awareness Week nationally and we celebrated this at St. Margaret's with a variety of activities. Parents and staff that work with children in the Hearing Support Centre made cakes and we had a cake sale each day to raise money for the National Deaf Children's Society. https://www.ndcs.org.uk/. Jo Saunders, Teacher of the Deaf lead an assembly on Tuesday for the whole school and taught signs that children could use around the school and on the playground to promote inclusion of deaf children at the school. During the week each class had a deaf awareness session with the Teacher of the Deaf where they talked about deaf awareness and learned additional signs, including practise of the alphabet and numbers in BSL. St. Margaret's pupils enjoy learning BSL and are encouraged to use BSL phrases around the school when they can, both with deaf and hearing children.