We are running school tours for new parents from September to November. Current parents are also very welcome to book as well if you would like to see the school in action and maybe get a sneak peep of your little ones learning. Each tour will last up to an hour. Please phone or email the office to book your place. Dates: Thursday 26/9/24 9.30am, Monday 30/9/24 2.00pm, Monday 7/10/24 9.30am, Thursday 17/10/24 2.00pm, Tuesday 22/10/24 9.30am, Tuesday 5/11/24 9.30am, Thursday 14/11/24 2.00pm, Monday 18/11/24 9.30am, Thursday 28/11/24 9.30am and Monday 2/12/24 9.30am


After the first adult led computing input the children decided to once again lead their own learning! We were finding out about the parts of a computer so to bring this to life they began making their own. They sourced their own resources and asked if they needed anything extra. If a child can explain what they want to use their requested resource for we will always try our hardest to provide it. Some children were unsure what the keyboard of a laptop actually had on it so they either looked at a class laptop or used an Ipad to search up what they needed to find (more computing in action!).  
This child-led learning not only met all the objectives of the planned lesson it also incorporated; letter and number formation, opportunities to assess grapheme to phoneme correspondence and the application of fine motor skills. Once the children had finished their laptops we held a class show and tell to celebrate their achievements. This  provided an opportunity to show off their communication and language skills and share  their new learning with their peers.