
School Council Information

The School Council at St Margaret’s Academy enables children to have a say in the running of their own school. One member of each class is elected to the council and then further elections within the council help to establish the roles of the chair, secretary and timekeeper.

Children within each class are actively encouraged to speak to their school councillor if they have any thoughts about how to improve the school. The elected pupils represent the views of their own class at the School Council meeting and then report back to their peers.

In the meetings the council discuss issues and ideas that are related to improving their overall school experience. The council provides an important link between the children’s voice and the management of the school. From time to time, the council may also run competitions and help with charity fundraising.

The school council promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance. Importantly, they also promote the UNCRC right that ‘every child should be listened to and have their opinions taken seriously’ (United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child article 12).

Watch this space for important updates, the minutes from our last meeting and the agenda for our next meeting.