We are running school tours for new parents from September to November. Current parents are also very welcome to book as well if you would like to see the school in action and maybe get a sneak peep of your little ones learning. Each tour will last up to an hour. Please phone or email the office to book your place. Dates: Thursday 26/9/24 9.30am, Monday 30/9/24 2.00pm, Monday 7/10/24 9.30am, Thursday 17/10/24 2.00pm, Tuesday 22/10/24 9.30am, Tuesday 5/11/24 9.30am, Thursday 14/11/24 2.00pm, Monday 18/11/24 9.30am, Thursday 28/11/24 9.30am and Monday 2/12/24 9.30am


Senior Leadership Team

Head Teacher - Mr T Hughes

Deputy Headteacher + Designated Safeguarding Lead + Lead for Foundation and KS1 - Mrs N Turner

Assistant Headteacher + Lead for KS2 - Mrs L Kerswell

SENCO - Mrs S Essam
School Business Manager - Mrs K Colmer


Reception Acorns - Mrs L Russell Foundation Stage Phase Lead & Miss J Watkinson  

Year 1- Beech Class: Mrs J Price / Pine Class: Mrs R Chivers (M-W) & Mrs G Posey (Th-F) 

Year 2 - Apple Class: Mrs S Tandy Y1/2 Phase Lead (Th-F) & Mrs N Scaife (M-W) / Oak Class: Mrs A Rice

Year 3 - Willow Class: Mrs L Wall Y3/4 Phase Lead / Holly Class: Mrs J Morgan (M-W) & Mrs N Scaife (Th-F)

Year 4 - Hazel Class: Mrs S Maddex / Cherry Class: Miss C Drennan

Year 5 - Birch Class: Miss I Chapman-Hunt / Rowan Class: Mrs L Madej

Year 6 - Maple Class: Mrs H Westwood Y5/6 Phase Lead / Hawthorn Class: Mrs W Kennedy (M-W) & Mrs L Kerswell (Th-F) 
PE Teacher - Mr W Mayling
Enhanced Provision Teacher: Mrs S Tandy (M-Tu)

Forest School Teacher: Mrs G Posey (Wed)
Special Educational Needs Team
Mrs S Essam and Miss J Watkinson
Pastoral Team
Mrs N Turner, Mrs S Essam (SENCO), Mrs L Wills (Pastoral Specialist), Mrs E Hollis (Pastoral Specialist & Support for Domestic Abuse), Mrs C De Rosa (Family Support Worker), Mrs S Newman (Attendance) and Mrs J Bundy (School Support Community Liaison)
Hearing Support Team
Mrs J Saunders (Teacher of the Deaf) and specialist deaf inclusion workers: Mrs A Doolan, Ms S Down, Mrs L Woolcott-Hawkins, Mrs L Down and Mrs D Hotchin
Speech and Language Team
We have 3 specialist teaching assistants: Mrs MC Christie, Mrs G Moore and Mrs E Hollis
Teaching Assistants
Foundation Stage - Miss K Leworthy (HLTA), Mrs M Heavisides, Mrs G Duggan, Mrs A Peart, Miss J Vaccaro and Mrs MC Christie

Key Stage 1 (Y1 and Y2) - Miss A Copeland (HLTA), Miss S Blackburn, Mrs H Cosh, Mrs S Mackin, Ms J Terry and Miss V Stanway

Lower Key Stage 2 (Y3 and Y4) - Mrs V Farmer (HLTA), Mrs A Burke, Ms M Hart, Mrs Woolcott-Hawkins, Miss L Cullen, Mrs K Baker, Mrs J Bundy and Mrs S Bradley

Upper Key Stage 2 (Y5 and Y6), Mrs J West (HLTA), Mrs E Hollis, Miss A Truscott and Miss Y Scaife

Administrative Staff
Mrs K Colmer (School Business Manager and Governance Professional), Mrs B Duff (Senior Administrator), Mrs S Newman (Administrator and Attendance), Mrs L Mallandaine (Administrator)

Sites Staff
Mr A Mallandaine (Premises Officer), Mr B Dew (Caretaking Assistant), and the following cleaners: Mrs B Thomas, Mrs S Craft

Kitchen Staff
Mrs B McGowan (Kitchen Manager), Miss L North (Assistant Supervisor), Mrs E Shaw (Catering Assistant) and Mrs B Thomas(Catering Assistant)

ICT Technician
Mr K Alister-Jones

Extended Schooling

After School Club Supervisor - Mrs L Yandall

After School Club Assistants- Mrs G Moore, Miss L Cullen, Ms J Terry, Mrs K Baker
Breakfast Club Supervisor - Mrs J West

Breakfast Club Assistants - Miss A Copeland, Miss S Blackburn and Miss L Cullen