

Senior Leadership Team

Head Teacher - Mr T Hughes

Deputy Headteacher + Designated Safeguarding Lead + Lead for Foundation and KS1 - Mrs N Turner

Assistant Headteacher + Lead for KS2 - Mrs L Kerswell

SENCO - Mrs S Essam
School Business Manager - Mrs K Colmer


Reception Acorns - Mrs L Russell Foundation Stage Phase Lead & Miss J Watkinson  

Year 1- Beech Class: Mrs J Price/Mr J Good / Pine Class: Mrs R Chivers (M-W) & Mrs G Posey (Th-F) 

Year 2 - Apple Class: Mrs S Tandy Y1/2 Phase Lead (Th-F) & Mrs N Scaife (M-W) / Oak Class: Mrs A Rice

Year 3 - Willow Class: Mrs L Wall Y3/4 Phase Lead / Holly Class: Mrs J Morgan (M-W) & Mrs N Scaife (Th-F)

Year 4 - Hazel Class: Mrs S Maddex / Cherry Class: Mr J Booth

Year 5 - Birch Class: Miss E Pritchard (M-W) & Miss I Chapman-Hunt (Th-F)/ Rowan Class: Mrs L Madej

Year 6 - Maple Class: Mrs H Westwood Y5/6 Phase Lead / Hawthorn Class: Mrs W Kennedy (M-W) & Mrs L Kerswell (Th-F) 
PE Teacher - Mr W Mayling
Enhanced Provision Teacher: Mrs S Tandy (M-Tu)

Forest School Teacher: Mrs G Posey (Wed)
Special Educational Needs Team
Mrs S Essam
Pastoral Team
Mrs N Turner, Mrs S Essam (SENCO), Mrs L Wills (Pastoral Specialist), Mrs E Hollis (Pastoral Specialist & Support for Domestic Abuse), Mrs C De Rosa (Family Support Worker), Mrs S Newman (Attendance) and Mrs J Bundy (School Support Community Liaison)
Hearing Support Team
Mrs J Saunders (Teacher of the Deaf) and specialist deaf inclusion workers: Mrs A Doolan, Ms S Down, Mrs L Woolcott-Hawkins, Mrs L Down and Mrs D Hotchin
Speech and Language Team
Specialist teaching assistant: Mrs G Moore
Teaching Assistants
Foundation Stage - Miss K Leworthy (HLTA), Mrs M Heavisides, Mrs G Duggan, Mrs A Peart, Miss A Chapman

Key Stage 1 (Y1 and Y2) - Miss A Copeland (HLTA), Miss S Blackburn, Mrs H Cosh, Mrs S Mackin, Ms J Terry, Miss J Davies

Lower Key Stage 2 (Y3 and Y4) - Mrs V Farmer (HLTA), Mrs A Burke, Mrs J West, (HLTA), Ms M Hart, Mrs Woolcott-Hawkins, Miss L Cullen, Mrs K Baker, Mrs J Bundy and Mrs S Bradley

Upper Key Stage 2 (Y5 and Y6) Mrs E Hollis, Mrs E Gunstone, Miss Y Scaife and Miss C Howman

Administrative Staff
Mrs K Colmer (School Business Manager and Governance Professional), Mrs B Duff (Senior Administrator), Mrs S Newman (Administrator and Attendance), Mrs L Mallandaine (Administrator)

Sites Staff
Mr A Mallandaine (Premises Officer), Mr B Dew (Caretaking Assistant), and the following cleaners: Mrs B Thomas, Mrs S Craft,  Miss L Muskett and Miss J Rosindale

Kitchen Staff
Mrs B McGowan (Kitchen Manager), Miss L North (Assistant Supervisor), Mrs E Shaw (Catering Assistant) and Mrs B Thomas(Catering Assistant)

ICT Technician
Mr K Alister-Jones

Extended Schooling

After School Club Supervisor - Mrs J Staveley

After School Club Assistants- Mrs G Moore, Miss L Cullen, Ms J Terry, Mrs K Baker, Miss J Davies
Breakfast Club Supervisor - Mrs J West

Breakfast Club Assistants - Miss A Copeland, Miss S Blackburn and Miss L Cullen