The school website is designed to help you at home with useful curriculum information. Some key places:
- Curriculum Overview tells you everything about our school curriculum, with links to each year group for all the year and term’s information and links to all the subject blogs. This can be found under the ‘Curriculum’ tab
- Subject specific information tells you everything you need to know about each subject and found under the ‘Curriculum’ tab.
- Useful Resources for Parents has a range of ideas and tips to help us with parenting (not related to the curriculum) which can be found under the ‘Parents’ tab.
- The calendar
Termly Curriculum Overview and Collectables
All the information you will need for term’s curriculum is found under the ‘Curriculum’ tab. Scroll down to your child’s year group to. In here you will find the overview for this term, letters home and subject collectables. The collectables are designed to help you at home to see what the expectation is for that year for that subject. They are designed in a child friendly manner so we can use them in school and you can discuss them at home. We want to help your children collect knowledge and skills over the year. The spring term information will be up to date by the end of next week but may also have additional collectables added as the term progresses.