
School Meals

We are committed to being a healthy school, and to promoting the health and well-being of the entire school community. Our Food Policy and the meals the school provides reflect this commitment to being a Healthy School.

Lunchtimes at St Margaret’s Academy are staggered with pupils in Reception starting from 12.00 pm, Key Stage 1 from 12.30 and KS2 from12.45 pm.

School dinners

We pride ourselves on the quality of the meals we provide. All our food is freshly cooked on site in our kitchen with the menu moving in a three-week rotation. We use as much seasonal, local and school garden produce as possible and use Riverford Organic Farm as our supplier. We use high welfare British meat, local free range eggs (as well as those from our own chickens), Marine Sustainable Certified fish and Fairtrade products. We also use organic dairy products from Riverford Organic Farm.

All children have access to two or three choices of a meal, bread and additional items from our well stocked salad bar. There is a choice of dessert and fruit too. Jugs of water and milk are placed in the Hall at lunch for use by the pupils.

If your child is attending school for the first time, or you would like your child to start school meals, or if you have any queries regarding lunches, please contact the school office.
We have a standing invitation for parents and carers to come and try one of our lunches so if you are interested please do let us know.
Please download the  menu at the bottom of this page.
Payment - 'Meal Manager'

Please see the downloadable letter at the bottom of this page for information about how to book and pay for your child's meal online.

Free school meals

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal.

Some parents will be eligible for free school meals for Junior children too. More details about eligibility for free school meals can be found by contacting the school office and completing an application form. We recommend completing the form entitling you to free school meals even if your child does not wish to take up this option as the school gets additional funding based on the numbers of pupils eligible, which can then be used to support your child in other ways.

Packed lunches

Packed lunches should be labelled clearly with your child’s name. We encourage children to eat a healthy packed lunch and an after-school snack before extra-curricular activities. Sweets, fizzy drinks and chocolate bars should not be included either in packed lunches or as an after-school snack. If pupils are eating foods that are deemed inappropriate, they will be stored in a sealed bag and then given back to them at hometime. See the packed lunch images designed by the student council below.

Drinks for lessons

The benefits from being well hydrated are good health and improved concentration so we encourage the children to bring in a bottle of water to have in their classrooms. We have freshly chilled water dispensers in the classrooms so they are able to refill throughout the day. Please ensure that bottles brought into school have a screw or ‘push stop’ lid.

Fruit at playtimes

Infant children have free fruit under a Government scheme but our school also buys in fruit for Junior children. They have a choice of a daily piece of fruit during morning playtime but you may send them in with fruit from home too.