
Meeting Minutes 16.10.24

Meeting of School Council

16th October 2024

Present: Mrs Hollis, Mrs Wills and all members of School Council.


  1.      We discussed how School Council was progressing this half term. It was agreed the meetings with Lord Aberdare and Steve Darling MP had been successful. Some of the children said how confident they now felt after asking questions especially in assembly
  2.      As it is Parliament week in November, we talked about how we could share the knowledge gained by meeting a Lord and MP could be shared with the school. It was agreed Mrs Hollis and Mrs Wills would coordinate this and produce a written account to share and add to the blog.
  3.      As Mr Hughes had announced to school, he was going to leave at Easter we talked about the role of the School Council in the process of appointing a new head teacher. The child were aware of how important it is for them to represent the school in this way. They are going to think of questions they would like to ask the candidates and bring them to the next meeting. (We did start to write some ideas down).
  4.      Upcoming events. Remembrance service at the Parish church in November. Traditionally the School council has helped a charity at Christmas, the children were keen to support a local children’s charity. Mrs Hollis and Mrs Wills will investigate possibilities.
  5.      There weren’t any questions or items raised by the children.
  6.      Next meeting to be arranged for autumn 2